i couldn't vote
I gave it a rating becuase of the quality of the animation, yet iI could not vote s i do not feel it was worth anything to anyone.
i couldn't vote
I gave it a rating becuase of the quality of the animation, yet iI could not vote s i do not feel it was worth anything to anyone.
thanks for the reviews
this submission is a pilot, we are trying to improve on it so all of ur advice is welcome.
this is one movie weve had in the pipeline for a few months now and we just had to see if it was worth it to continue, its nice to see so much positive recognition it really makes an animator feel worth it to get out of bed in the morning
look out for updates and more animations from us this year :)
where to begin
slideshow, i understand why u'd use this method, but i can't help but fault you on the intent of it.
interesting music makes me wish i had a better french teacher, id like to know what the title of the song was and what the lyrics actually are, however id doubt that it matters to the content of ur "flash", as such i think u could have used anything, linkin park would seem a good choice as they also seem to have a lot of teen angst 'girfriends broke my heart' etc. lyrics.
the text, mostly clear and stayed up long enough for me to read it( i am a speed reader though) so i can only fault you on that for its content.
ok see constructive criticism.
as for the intent of the flash........
i dont intirely disagree as you covered a few bases here, but ill rebut you on nearly every point;
one becuase i find it intellectually stimulating(thanks for portraying such an easy bunch of stuff for me to rebut),
two becuase i have seen some of ur other flashs i worry bout ur particular take on life, i think u need a calm and reasoned talking too about the facts of life that although many people live in blissful ignorance of still manage to grasp,
and three the things you display in these flashs the things you believe and want other people to believe are patently false.
1. you do know that at least half of the girls pictured in these college websites and myspace type websites are not real students at all just the internets newbrand of sexworkers, maybe they protray themselves as college students but lets be honest, and how many colleges are there in america?, what degrees do you honestly think they are taking? are they getting jobs in these areas? do they pass or fail and doesnt their attendance of lack of still contribute revenue to the schools for better equipment and higher teacher salaries?
2. admitting that some of them are students who somehow manage to pass their chosen degree and get a job whats the harm?(if a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to hear it does it make a sound?)(what makes you think they will continue to degrade themselves in the way you say they do)
3. sigh sorry bout ur uncle he hates his job i gather, im not going to talk about fate (even though i can make the argument for it) cos thats not fair i don't know ur uncle or anything about him or the job or education system at the time that lead to his (mechanics a bad job over there?) "predicament".
4. ur confused, definition of a whore is someone who sells herself sexually in rather degrading ways (mostly), how is this prudish?
lets say instead that some girls protray themselves sometimes in slutty ways, and at other times can be indifferent to the opposite sex. while some girls are uptight about sex, waiting for "the one" or just being indifferent, to be fair there are an infinite number of ways for a girl to be, just as there are infinite ways for a guy to be, is it fair for a girl to be called a slut for wanting sex, or called frigid for not?
5. sigh, fact of life or meaning of life? we live to procreate as all living creatures do, we for our sampling of the forbidden fruit of knowledge(please excuse my translation of the adam and eve story, im really not this religious) must take a more complex route to our lives than if we lived as animals. when u boil life down to its simplest points should we list our jobs?
6. i think that the drive to wards betterment of the species as a whole is worthy of our individual contribution, however not at the exspense of freedom.(what?? you may ask) u think that a girl takes up a position that could be better filled by a man, if the man fills the role better then this is better for all humankind, safer nuclear power, better advancement of technology etc. i concur, if the man fills the role better, the laws have three readings;
the legal definition what the legal words mean when said together,
the lawmakers intent, what the law was written to promote or avoid,
and finally
the peoples intent, often a law is written because the people demand it. what did they want?
that has to be the funniest pile of crap ever
ok music nice(i could hear it for a change)
idea of american union (interesting)
format bad
political rambling very very very bad
you are a product of mtv
china big bad and scarey boo hoo
america land of the free must defeat nasty commy chinks waa waa
sing the national anthem in the shower while you oil ur good honest god fearing weapon of self destruction??
american dollar equals approximately 12 chinese dollars(america places pressure on china to maintain that when every other country allows the free fluctuation of foreign currency in relation to its dollar, how do i know this? becuase nz dollar is now worth 75 us cents, last year it was closer to 50 us cents last year chinese dollar worth 15 nz cents now worth closer to 30 nz cents) this is so that america can continue to import cheap product to use, however if within the free market set up by the WTO chinese product slips below a protected american products costing then(tariffs funny how all other countries in the WTO are not allowed them) america gets shitty and takes china to the WTO over intentional trade violations. hmmmm????
china since the mid seventies has been increasingly westernised, macdonalds KFC Pizza hut and many other major brands have large market presence in china
western music has not only been embraced(not just pirated) but emulated, not to mention the large market shares taken up by western music industry rebranding rerecording older songs in mandarin for resale into the chinese market.
chinese youths are at enormous cost sent to western countries where they prop up the economy with hyper inflated education costs ( in nz chinese students are made to pay in us currency in advance at ten times what citizens are charged for the same courses(dont forget us dollar 12 times stronger at fixed price to chinese currency) they soak up the culture and the lifestyle go home and convert their friends and family (if these high achievers do not stay in the western country thus filling highly skilled positions there thus keeping our education and workforce competitive.
boo hoo waa waa american jobs whinge whinge slant eyed foriegners boo hoo mindy and joey got no job cry cry
cant have it both ways can you, our culture cuases our kids to fail, big business the product of the american way dont see colour race or creed you moron it sees dollars and fractions of a cent as markey shares, why should mindy get a job doing the accounts if hwei yang got better grades. and since i know your a sexist pig as well as a racist fear mongerer, why should little billy joe be the manager at wall-mart when he was partying all semester when hou tong was hitting the books and getting straight A's.
you know im right
UN WTO World Bank European Union, its inevitable right World government, GLobalisation. thats what fear mongerers like you are scared of really, that your underachieving spoiled inbred white children wont have job security backed up by american military might.
sing the national anthem oil ur guns complain to ur congressmen(or is it a woman)
find a not too distant relative in the next trailer and get breeding
ill take comfort in the fact that many americans are more intelligent than you, that they see the opertunity of closer economic ties with a stronger china, politics aint ur strong point leave it to the professionals they know better, stop complaining stop crying and living in fear and maybe you can join the rest of us in the future of a global world that doesnt see race colour creed or sex (for that matter)as a hinderance to closer economic, immigration or any other kind of cooperation.
grow up
Because of JackOffAll here, I will be releasing a new flash presentation today. I will try a few new styles with flash software to help provide a more integrated experience for the viewer. I will use briefer video clips with better quality, etc. I'd also like to thank her for giving me the motivation and energy to put forth this effort.
ur swf are not animations they suck
the content of the flash should be just plain txt, u dont need the movie or the audio or the pictures of naked or semi nude females that u always seem to add to ur shockwaves
is it becuase they would be boring or just plain stupid without something else in them? or is it like a compulsion
users of ng
do not waste ur time watching this
do not waste ur time reviewing it he likes the attention that he gets wether it be hate mail or honest critique, which he then responds to in the most offensive way possible so as to encourage further hatemail
blam it off newgrounds
That's cute ;D
Girls are kawaii when they're angsty and angry. That's what I love about short little Asian schoolgirls ;D
And then you punch her fragile little nose for sassing you ;D
beautiful, extraordinary(in the truest sense unfortunately as iv seen similar styles) but still........
impressive nonetheless i hope when i grow up to be as good as this at least
good work
god damn that was sick(deathfiend)
at least ur true to ur name
pretty good considering it was ur second real submission will of course watch the rest
cos im a bit sick meself :)
An aspiring artist needs only two things passion and the time to realise that passion, I pray for both.
Age 44, Male
Otago University
Dunedin, Otago NZ
Joined on 2/5/07